Monday, December 10, 2007





Thursday, December 6, 2007

Three emails from Judy Chau Le (Yi’s former Nortel Colleague)

Third one (Dec 06, 2007)
Hi Xuesong,

I cried so much after I hear the news about Yi since Yi is so good person and so kind to everyone. I wasn't expect this will ever happen to Yi. He never mention about it but still help me when I ask him about job.

I know it is such a big loss for you and your family and you are not prepare for this.

I pray God will help you to stay strong to be there for your children.

Please let me know if you ever need anything as Yi always do me favor and I never have any chance to give back.
Stay in touch and let me know if you ever get anything.

Please stay strong.


Second one (Dec 06, 2007)
Hi Xuesong,

I am so sorry to hear the news. So so sorry to hear about it. I didn't know since I haven't talk to Yi for a while. I was so busy with work. So sad and so shock to hear that. Yi is such a nice and helpful person. He alway smile and help other people. He is so amazing person at heart and smart person.

I am deeply sorry to hear about this.

If there is anything I can do for you and your family, please let me know.

I owe Yi so much as he helped me in my career and get job. He is alway a helpful person.

May I ask what happened to Yi? There was a accident or Yi was sick?
So sad to hear the news.

May God be with you and your family.



First one ( Nov 28, 2007)
Hi Yi,

How are you? How things are going with you?

I almost finish my contract at MS. Now, I am looking for position. Too bad, I didn't go for that position last time. Do you know they still hiring in your company? Do you know any one is hiring there?

I want to get a new job soon.

How is your life there? How do you like San Francisco? I like to live there now even just a contract. I like to explore new place. -:)



Tuesday, November 27, 2007













                   三十楼的朋友 读书时的同学 插队时的知青:滕易

Monday, November 5, 2007

Remembrance Speech

Yi Luo 1955 – 2007

Family, Colleagues, Friends, and Admirers of Yi.
Can I say first to Yi’s family how much we share in your loss. All of Yi’s wonderful qualities you experienced within the family were also very much a part of our privileged experience of Yi as a friend and colleague. I feel it an honor to be here to come and say a final goodbye to a great colleague and a wonderful friend.
Yi was universally admired, respected, and loved. His grace, generosity, wisdom, patience, respect, balance, integrity, and compassion showered upon those of us fortunate enough to have interacted with him. These qualities transcended his professional career, but, unsurprisingly, they are evident there too. The tributes from his colleagues make that so clear. We loved him, not just because he was a great engineer, but because he cared.
And he was… He was a great engineer with a knack for problem solving, and attention to details that is inspirational. As one of his colleagues wrote: “He was a pivotal piece that many do not know. When we released a new product, Yi knew the pieces to make it happen seamlessly.”

But more importantly, he cared and spent from his own time to get a release out, or help a colleague solve a problem. In return, many of his colleagues felt compelled to recommend him for some form of recognition or another. But the truth is Yi was not doing it for the reward and that’s why we all loved him. I take comfort in the fact that the products he helped release have far reaching and positive effects on people’s lives everywhere; whether it is connecting family members together or helping Doctors reach isolated parts of the world.
I can’t help but think that his choice for a career was a reflection of his kindness and desire to help. It came as no surprise to me when I learned that he found comfort in logging-in to work to try to help right before he checked into the hospital

I was truly touched by the flurry, and content of condolence and tribute emails that came through from all his colleagues and friends. I was further touched by offers of help and support. It confirmed to me that kindness and good deeds can never be forgotten (and by the way, a compilation of some these emails is being shared with the family). One colleague wrote him a poem:

That night
You stayed up late
Not for money or fame
But for the convenience of the team
That weekend
You stayed online
Not for entertainment
But for the last build of the release

That year
You joined Netscreen
Not just for a job
But also for the success of the company

That life
You moved from country to country
Not for your reputation
But for a better life for your children

That minute
You held my hand firmly
Not just to say goodbye
But also used up your last energy

That moment
You kept tears in your eyes
Not for the pain
But for teaching us the lesson of life

I wish I could read to you every tribute I have received. It has been so hard for me to prepare this remembrance, because every time I sat down to read my emails, the tributes moved me to tears. Personal experiences of kindness, courtesy, and grace; of encouragement to others and modesty; of inspirational teaching and extraordinary impact; relentless examples of his good sense and the genuine pleasure he took in what he did; of his humanity, and commitment; his integrity, his warmth, and his humility; his intellectual and moral stature; his professionalism, his positive approach, and his honesty; his selflessness, his generosity, and his dignity; his empathy, and his friendship. What an astonishing catalogue of characteristics; what a role model; what a treasure.

I will forever be grateful to have known Yi. I will forever be grateful for spending 4 years of my life with a friend like him. All the memories I have shared with him will forever be cherished and remembered. Yi will forever live in my heart… In our hearts.

A sad occasion like this demands that we stop and think about deeper things—why are we doing what we do, what are our goals, and what contribution can we make? The answer is different for every individual, but Yi’s life stands as an inspiration. We mourn his loss, but we celebrate his life—a special person who always made others feel special. That is overwhelmingly how we will remember him and we should all be thankful that we were given the chance to have known a man named Yi.

Omar Ansari

October 21, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


罗毅是我们姐弟七个中最小的。他备受父母喜爱,但却不娇惯。小时候,他是个很乖的男孩子,从不给爸妈添麻烦。他聪明好学,总是班上的学习尖子。但他又有些呆气,经常做些令人发笑的傻事情。记得他已径挺大了,妈妈让他煮鸡蛋,他问“煮鸡蛋要放水吗?” 那时北京卖冰棍的这样叫卖“冰棍,一毛俩儿”, 罗毅就总是买两支,吃不了,还要送别人。有次我说,你吃一支,就买一支好了。他说,人家说了“一毛两支”吗。
长大以后,我们各奔东西,在当时的通信条件下,联系并不很多。直到我来了美国,他去了加拿大,我们交流才多起来。我发现罗毅虽然做了父亲,成了一个很优秀的计算机工程师。但对我来说,他还是个没长大的男孩子。就象小时候一样,又聪明又呆,时不时说点俏皮话。1997年,堤堤带全家和我们母亲,从加拿大到休斯屯来看我。那是我住在一条叫Sugar Hill (糖丘) 的街上,他的另一清华同学住在Sugar Land (糖地),毅听了就说,“Too much sugar! Don't you know my mother has diabetes, no sugar please"(“这么多糖! 我妈妈有糖尿病,请不要放糖!”)
我对弟弟的评论是a workaholic and a family man.。工作对他来说,不仅仅是挣钱养家,更是责任和乐趣。就在住院期间,他还念念不忘工作。工作之余,他的全部心思都放在两个女儿身上,孩子小时候,他滚在地上,和她们玩成一片;大一些,他教她们钢琴,游泳,辅导作业。弟弟和妻子肖乔恩恩爱爱。我很高兴他有个美满幸福的小家庭。
姐姐 罗巧平

Sunday, October 28, 2007

From Rongping Yao

我认识罗毅缘于渥太华欣华中文学校, 95年我任校长, 至05年罗毅离开渥太华. 10年在历史的长河里是短暂的一瞬, 可在 罗毅 52年的年华里确是五分之一的时间. 在这10年的时间里, 他作为家长委员会的成员为学校的发展做出了巨大的贡献. 他义务为学校做网站, ( 为组建学校的民乐队花了很多的心血和时间, 为乐队不同的队员的需要, 把简谱翻成五线谱, 把五线谱翻译成简谱. 他总是默默无闻, 耐心指导大家. 为了怕托运扬琴受到破损, 特地从北京随身携带扬琴回渥太华. 记得2000年冬圣诞前, 由于前天主教教育局有关负责人(早已被开除)对国际语言学校的刁难, 使得欣华中文学校和其他语言学校被迫寻找新的教育局. 为了释解很多家长对学校搬迁的疑问, 罗毅和家长委员会的曾毅, 萨晏, 贺连华以及李继烈副校长聚集在我家共同为当地中文报起草了一份 "渥太华欣华中文学校为何搬迁"文章. 文章中每个字都经过我们6 个人的推敲和同意, 工作直至清晨4点才结束, 那么寒冷的冬夜, 大家一句怨言也没有, 罗毅家住最西区的Kanata, 开车还需40分钟.在这10年里, 每个星期六罗毅总是准时来到中文学校, 他一份工资也不拿, 为学校义务作了这么多事, 指挥学校的停车交通, 为学校的学生演出配乐. 学校里每个认识他的老师, 家长对他的为人都赞口不绝. 他05年离开渥太华的时候, 大家都依依不舍, 此后因为工作的关系我的先生和女儿常和罗毅在电话上和网上进行探讨和请教. 他总是有问必答, 热情相助, 从不吝啬时间. 10月15日当我得知罗毅病重的消息时犹如晴天霹雳不敢相信, 至此心情万分沉重, 家人和我一样. 我校在短短的时间内把两批带着大家关爱的募捐款迅速寄往加州. 所有和我一样认识罗毅的朋友得知罗毅病逝的消息都失声痛哭感到上帝是如此不公, 怎么会让这么好的一个人早早离开我们. 语言是远远不能够表达我们对罗毅离去的惋惜和他为人的赞扬. 罗毅你放心走吧, 我们会向你一样关爱你两个女儿, 婉宁和安然及你的太太雪松. 罗毅永远活在我们的记忆里, 永远永远...

附照片: 2002年于渥太华

October 23, 2007 9:45:23 AM

From Xiaogang Ji



罗毅, 20 年前, 也就是1987 我通过杨永前认识了你, 我记得, 那是在布达佩斯莫斯科广场附近你的住所。罗毅, 从那时起, 你就是我做人的榜样,罗毅, 你永远是我做人的榜样

我记的, 1987年的夏天, 8月, 我和你坐在多瑙河边看匈牙利国庆烟火, 你突然站不起来了, 我问你, 怎么了? 你说:“腰痛得站不起来”, 我问: “为什么?” 你说: “插队时, 有一天,干活太累了, 晚上在拖拉机后斗里睡着了, 腰着了凉, 所以腰有时痛”。

我还记的,也是在1987你对我说,你非常想念你的夫人和女儿。 那一年, 你的大女儿出生。 你说你太太带孩子很辛苦。

我还记的,你对我说过,当你告诉你的匈牙利房东老太太好消息, 你的太太要来布达佩斯探亲,老太太却不高兴,老太太说,你太太来以后, 她和你聊天的机會就会少了。 我见过她几次, 每一次她都说你是个大好人

我还记的, 19876月, 当赵紫阳,温家宝在使馆接见完留学生后, 在使馆前楼餐厅吃水饺, 我们几个在使馆后院厨房帮忙, 连碗饺子汤都没喝上。

我还记的,我去过你的办工室, 你当时告诉了我你的博士研究课题, 20年后, 上个月当我探望你时准确地说了一遍你当时的博士课题。罗毅,我匈牙利语专业毕业15年后,我把匈牙利语忘得差不多了, 但是你的博士研究课题我还记得清清礎礎。

我还记的,1997 年,当你路过达拉斯,在公共电话亭的电话簿里找到了我的电话, 使我们恢复了失去了6年的联系, 你好聪明啊, 不亏是清华的。

我还记的,每当我对我母亲说起,罗毅这好,罗毅那好。 我母亲就说, 罗欣欣这好, 那好。 世界就是这么小, 我母亲退休前和 罗欣欣,你的姐姐在一个单位工做好多年。

我还记的,2006年的春天, 当你的全家从加拿达搬到加州的路上, 我们能在Madison Wisconsin 城边90号高速工路旁又见面了。 也是这次, 我见到了你的两位可爱的女儿。 我跟她们说你是最好的人。

我还记的,去年的冬天, 是你在网上教會了我五线谱,使我知道了Every Good Boy Does Fine’,上个月当我探望你时,我给你弹了‘东方红’, 你的夸奖使我兴奋了好几天。

罗毅, 上个星期一, 在飞回旧金山的飞机上,我责怪我自几, 为什么我没有早2个星期带你去Yosemite National Park, 那是你非常想去的地方,如果早2个星期, 你的健康状况可能會允许你去。都是我的错。

罗毅,我知道,在这个世界上有很多好人, 我也见过很多好人, 但是我也知道, 比你好的人, 以前没有过, 以后也不會有了。

罗毅,好人走后是会去天堂的, 我會永远记得你的笑,永远记得你的真,永远记得你的善,我将永远保存我们的对话

Xiaogang Ji, 10/27/2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

From Xiaoping Lei

I am so sad about Luo Yi’s abrupt leaving, even I don’t want to believe it is true. Just about two weeks ago, I visited him in the hospital. I encouraged him to eat more and have an optimistic outlook, and he promised me to do his best to get better. Yet he passed away a week later. It is a great loss to both his family and his friends.

I have known Xuesong’s couple for decades. Xuesong is my college classmate and a close friend, and her marrying Luo Yi used to be a great news. Every girl in my class admired Xuesong since she found such an intelligent, considerate, and joyful husband. I met Luo Yi for the first time in 1997 when Xuesong’s family traveled from Canada to Baltimore to visit us. I was immediately impressed by Yi’s humor, versatility, and compassion for his wife and daughters. He chatted with us on his childhood, his family, and his experience during the Cultural Revolution. And he talked about “Qi Gong” which he tried to practice everyday. He also played piano and sang with his little daughter who was only four years old. His bright and easy character made himself very close to everyone in my family, and we talked about him for quite a while after he left.

A few years ago, Luo Yi found a new job in California and we gathered together again at our Chico home. Yi was happy and humorous as always, and he performed opera, revolutionary songs, and piano for us. We found his great pride in his lovely daughters who were growing up successfully and who were becoming his intimate friends. Afterwards, we paid a returning visit to their home at Cupertino during the Thanksgiving week in 2006. We had dinner together and Yi celebrated this event by performing piano and Taiji. His Taiji performance was graceful and energetic. Then, I mentioned that I would like to learn about it, and he sent to me a DVD of Taiji subsequently.

Luo, Yi was a model employee. He worked very hard, sometimes passing midnight. Xuesong told me that, even in his sickness, he still worked whenever he felt a little bit better.

I knew that Yi was sick in January 2007. During this ten month period I talked to Xuesong almost every week about Yi’s illness, changes, and treatment. Both Yi and Xuesong were very strong and brave. They confronted the disease and tried to overcome it. We all believed that the new technology and medicine could save his life…

Luo, Yi loved music. About a month ago, I tried to invite Xuesong’s family to San Francisco Symphony. Yet Yi was too weak to go, and he told me that he would go next time when he was getting better.

Even during the last two weeks, he still didn’t want his daughters to miss any classes, even piano classes, to stay with him.

Yet Yi became fatally ill and finally left us. He was a responsible employee, a creative engineer, a trustful friend, and a loving father and husband. He made significant contributions to his family and the society during his relatively short life, and rewarded us with wonderful memories and inspirations. We will never forget his smiling face, touching voice, and funny jokes, and want to express our profound sorrow and condolence to Xuesong and her daughters.

May Yi’s soul rest in peace.

Xiaoping Lei, 10/24/2007 9:18 pm

From 张梵/王钊


惊悉罗毅去世,深感悲痛!我们失去了一位最可信赖的朋友。与罗毅交往二十多年,他的人品,他的智慧,他的幽默,他的诚恳,给我 们留下难忘的记忆。从你们交朋友起,我们就认识了。从北京到匈牙利,到渥太华,到加州,我们一直保持联系。我们的相册里,存有不少你们的照片。一切都成为 美好的过去。罗毅的音容笑貌将伴随我们的一生。想想罗毅的早逝,我们没有理由不好好度过每一天。



October 24, 2007 1:41 PM

From Xuefeng Cai

Dear Xuesong,

It has been a long time since I last saw Yi Luo. He was a great friend of mine, and I remember him dearly.

He was always there to bring light into the dark, and bring happiness to even the saddest soul. Losing him leaves a hole in my heart, and in the hearts of others who had surrounded him in his life.

Yi Luo was always a part of me, and always will be. Although he is gone, his spirit will live on forever in the hearts of his loved ones.

I send a prayer skyward that the lord will bless his soul for all eternity.

Kindly regards,

Xuefeng Cai & family
